Jordan With Public Transport. How to Travel Around Jordan Without Renting a Car?

Even though we usually try to spend more time in our destinations, our trip to Jordan was a short one – this is why we only decided to concentate on the country’s highlights. For this kind of trips we usually rent a car but in this case the last-minute rental prices defeated us. Eventually we […]
Best Off-Season Destinations. Where to Travel Post-Covid. Our Favourite Places to Travel.

The truth is that we all love summer. But if just like us, you are not really a fan of crowds and you prefer to travel in less popular months, fall is the perfect holiday season in the northern hemisphere. Beautiful colors, picturesque sunsets, nice temperatures and cheaper prices? These are just a few of […]
Dead Sea Tree of Life and Others – Most Amazing Dead Sea Salt Formations. What to See in the Dead Sea in Israel?

Thanks to its high salinity levels Dead Sea is an amazing place to relax while reading a newspaper – we bet you have seen these pictures thousands of times! Moreover, it is also the place where every single person can float without fearing for their lives, even Marcin who claims he is too dense to […]
Everything You Need to Know to Visit Dead Sea. Dead Sea in Israel – Lots of Practical Info.

The Dead Sea is located on the border between Israel, Jordan and Palestine Autonomy and is divided into two lakes. It is located on 433,5 m below sea level and it is considered the lowest place on Earth. Its average salinity is 26% (lower on the surface, and way higher closer to the bottom). The […]
Best Lebanese Food (What to Eat in Lebanon – Vegetarian Food List)

What can you eat in Lebanon, The best vegetarian food list in Lebanon and Beirut.
Your Guide to the Best Places in Lebanon (What to See in Lebanon)

Coming to Lebanon was not a fulfilment of some lifelong dream of ours. The decision to book the trip was a very spontaneous one – Ryanair opened its route from Cyprus to Beirut so we decided to take advantage of the cheap flights. Not long after that we started researching the country and the closer […]